Mirtyunjay Kr. Jha



Time is the most important resource. It is gift of Nature to humanity. Time is capital and not renewable income. It is the most valuable gift, which can be offered by one to another. If we have time for our children, they acknowledge as good parents. Similarly if we have time for our Subordinates to listen to their problems, they acknowledge us as good superiors. We have only 24 hours in a day and this cannot be Stretch. Beyond 24 hours. Thus we cannot make time but surely, we can find time.

To manage time properly in order to achieve objectives and ambitions in life, realization for the same must come from one's own conscience. No one can enforce or compel us to ensure proper time management. It is only our inner self that can make us do it and for that we must understand its importance in life. If one can sense this, success is guaranteed / cannot be denied. Proper time management is a sure and straight ladder to success.

For efficient time management, we should note our rhythm and plan the day accordingly. A job may take double the time required, if attempted at the wrong time. We should use morning time for creative works, including problems solving. Routine matters may be kept for the afternoon. You may choose the task for going out of the office, to meet people or do field work in latter part of the day. Forenoon, we have a productive period irrespective of our personal rhythms. Conversely, low period is observed after one hour of lunch because most of our energy is used to digest the food.

Therefore, we should not waste much time, during initial part of the day, when we should do our best. A tea or coffee on arrival at the office helps to start the day in a positive mood. If it is taken at mid-morning, it will interrupt the flow of activities. Lunch may be taken early and it should be light. It provides more time in the afternoon to get back to our productive work. We should try to complete routine work during office hours. We should not take home routine jobs regularly. It implies that something is wrong. It indicates our poor time management. Hence remedial action is required. If we start the day in a positive mood, it pays high dividends in getting things done. We should start the work at the same time each morning. Time will not be lost, if we have a clear idea of priorities and tasks for the day. We should list priorities at the end of the previous working day to facilitate proper beginning. We should try to achieve all our objectives of the day.

God has given us the fixed number of hours in a day. It is upto us how we use them. We should not postpone doing things. Do today's work today itself. It would not be any easier later. I will be glad tomorrow for what I did today. Kabir has rightly said that what needs to be done tomorrow, do it today, and what has to be done today, do it now. Things will not wait till we are ready. If we are not on time, we trouble others and miss the opportunity. We should be punctual. A person, who is stickler to time and is punctual, is regarded as being dependable. Time lost can never be regained. We should not postpone things waiting for the best time.

Time is the most valuable resource for every person because time lost cannot be recovered. Time just goes on. We cannot hold it back. Whatever is gone is gone forever. For saving time, we must have proper planning of work. We should thank God to enable us to use time properly and efficiently.

Here is a story about the hare and tortoise. Once the animals decided to have a fair in the forest, there were lots of attractions and prizes! There was a big prize to be won for cake baking and both the hare and the tortoise wanted to enter that contest. The next day the hare saw the tortoise going to the library.

It asked, "Why are you going there?" The tortoise said, "I want to get a recipe book for cakes." It laughed at the tortoise. It could not understand why the tortoise starts thinking about the cake so soon. There was plenty of time! But the tortoise did not believe in postponing anything. It chose a good recipe, made a list of things needed, bought them from the market and baked the cake well in advance. It decorated the cake and it did a very good job since there was plenty of time. But the hare did nothing. It spent its time in playing with friends. It woke up just two days before the contest. It went to the market to get the things but there was no flour and no sugar in the shop! Hare had to beg the fox, which was in-charge of the shop to somehow get these things. The next day it got them but at a higher price! Then it thought of a recipe for a quick and easy cake. It somehow managed to bake the cake but it was not fluffy but flat and lumpy! In a hurry something was forgotten to be added. There was no time to bake another cake. It had to sit and cry and the cake of the tortoise was declared the best. The hare was sad and disappointed to watch the tortoise carrying away the prize proudly!

Thus, this story teaches us a lesson that we should not postpone things. We should not wait for the best time. We should utilize every moment of time resource because time cost cannot be purchased.


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