Mrityunjay Kr. Jha
'Yog is that stage of consciousness in which cessation of Chiastic-tendencies are witnessed by the yogi. "Yogis attaining that stage of dexterity or expertise in executing one's responsibilities in which yogi attains perfection in performance. Yog is 'attaining that stage of equanimity in one's consciousness which can neither be disturbed by successes nor by failures in performing one's eternal responsibilities.' It is clear from all these definitions that yog is more about mind, consciousness and meditation. And, it offers much more than physical and psychic well-being. Yog is the discipline. Its practice brings about discipline in human life. Disciples attain a higher order of clarity/consciousness, deeper balance of mind and intense sense of discernment/decision making. When practiced under the guidance of the attained maser (Guru) higher portals of yogic attainments open up before disciples/yogis. In today's world keeping one's mind calm. Positive, creative and productive is an everyday challenge which all of us face. Keeping one's mental balance intact in the fast changing world around oneself has become necessary for one and all. In such a scorching scenario, meditation attracts our attention as a breeze of relief. Meditative practices along with sat-sang with one's Guru bring back our focus and attention to the essentiality. Meditation helps us recognize our priorities and organize our life in the best possible manner. Therefore, meditation should be promoted by every institution and individual right from the beginning to the last breath of life so that everyone across the globe transforms into a supremely responsible-being.
International Day of Yoga is an occasion when this message should be acknowledged, reiterated, practiced and asserted by all of us in unison with total agreement and in one voice so that meditation becomes an everyday affair of every earthling in every home. When peace and contentment reigns in every heart and all nations of the world move arm in arm with unity then peace keeping forces and peace-making super nations will have to move resources of the planet earth towards producing something better than arms. Simple practice of meditation can make peace and contentment reign in every heart. This change is possible and doable. Unity or oneness means having that kind of vision which offers infinite space for every being to bloom to its fullest potential like a flower. Meditation has that potential to let diversity flourish to its fullest. Mediation doesn't impose any belief on anyone it rather opens one's eye of wisdom to see the genesis/source of one's own belief. It is entirely left to the believer's freedom whether a believer wants to transcend one's belief or stay tied to it. Bharat is living evidence of aforesaid freedom. And, our culture of meditation has made it possible. Because, in a certain meditative stage of transcendence one transforms into 'witness- consciousness' which is the state of non-duality/oneness mentioned at the outset. Meditation makes everyone capable of seeing each other's perspective also. Imagine if every student across the globe realizes oneself as the 'witness-consciousness' will any kingdom of god or heaven or Jannat be in a position to compete with earth and earthlings?
“On this international day of yoga, I wish and pray that in alignment with the theme of this day the whole humanity realizes the value of the wisdom enshrined in the consciousness of one earth one family. Meditation and contemplation has the potential to ceaselessly transform all human begins into better version of themselves if not out and out divine.”
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